This is a young adult fairy tale who's lead character, Opal is feeling alienated and bullied. She retreats to her tree house, escaping her troubles by writing whimsical fairy tales. One rainy evening she is distracted by a light and is lured into the deep, dark forest. Before she knows it, she is lost! As Opal stumbles in the dark she realizes she has entered a magical land like none she has ever seen. Follow Opal in her fantastical adventures, in this young adult book, as she tries to find her way home. Magic, evil creatures and romance awaits!
Here is the Amazon and Kindle link if you would like to purchase one:
If you want a signed copy and do not live in the San Diego area you can PayPal $15 to erica.putis at which includes shipping.
Now in all honesty this book wouldn't be possible without the help of my amazing brother. He is a genius editor and so supportive of this project. I learned so much and have to give credit where credit is due. Also my talented niece illustrated the cover! So thankful for all of my friends and family who have supported me in this endeavor. And not to mention you! Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the book!!